#CompleteBanonSmokelessTobaccoInTamil Nadu

Chewing tobacco such as Gutka, pan parag, Pan Masala etc is said to contain over 4,000 chemicals. Out of these, at least 40 chemicals are known to be carcinogenic. Chewing tobacco is one of the major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including several types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The Government of Tamil Nadu banned the Manufacture, Storage and sale of the chewable forms of tobacco, including Gutkha and Pan masala in the year 2013.

Then invoking the provisions of Food Safety and Standard Acts, 2006 . the commissioner of Food Safety of Tamil Nadu issues orders prohibiting the Manufacture, Storage, distribution or sale of gutkha and pan masala and any other food products containing tobacco or nicotine as ingredients, by whatsoever name it is available in the market, in the whole of the state for one year and has been extended through notifications time and again.

Inspite of the ban the smokeless tobacco products are easily available in the local markets. The sellers and consumers do not face any difficulty in the procurement of these products even during the lockdown times.

The spread of Infectious diseases dangerous to life such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, influenza, swine flu, pneumonia, gastro-intestinal diseases, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other persistent infectious diseases takes a huge toll on life. The Health department warns that Spitting in public place could increase the spread of Covid 19.

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) issued an appeal to the General public which states that “Not to consume and spit smokeless tobacco in Public”

During this COVID 19 lockdowns. there were illegal sale of banned tobacco products available in the shops without any hindrances. Inspite of various restrictions during the lockdowns, there were regular seizures of banned products by the Food Safety, Health and Police Department officials. The news articles and media coverages during the lockdowns supports the same.

The Ministry of Health and Family welfare in its D.O. No. Z. 21020/11/2020-TC(TC) Dated 10th April 2020 refereed that “people with pre-existing non communicable diseases (NCD.s) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the COVID -19. It is said that tobacco users are likely to be more vulnerable to COVID 19. The MOHFW issues a guidelines to all the state secretaries stating to take an immediate preventive measure in tobacco control” to bring out the complete ban of smokeless tobacco in the state.

Addition to that, the Ministry of Health and Family welfare directed all the State Secretaries to bring out the ban order to control the spread of this deadly virus by banning the smokeless tobacco in their states.

Though there a ban in Tamil Nadu for Smokeless Tobacco, we are urging for a COMPLETE BAN. Due to the easy availability and accessibility of these smokeless tobacco products, the complete ban on SLT cannot be achieved in the state till date.

We all stand together to raise our voices for this COMPLETE BAN on SLT PRODUCTS in the state of Tamil Nadu which includes Twin packs, Tin packs, Pan Masala etc.

Let our voice reach the maximum ……

Let us join hands together to eradicate the tobacco to save our younger generation.

To start with let us sign this petition ………………………

Click here to view already signed people  No. of supporters for this petition: 22

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