Pictorial Warning at 85%
The recent remarks from BJP MP on the unavailability of Indian Studies to prove that tobacco causes cancer has met with strong opposition from various Health Professionals and Lawmakers. As yet another BJP MP...
The recent remarks from BJP MP on the unavailability of Indian Studies to prove that tobacco causes cancer has met with strong opposition from various Health Professionals and Lawmakers. As yet another BJP MP...
On 20 Nov, 2013, the news about the STOP campaign was published in the following online news articles: http://www.merinews.com/article/stop—a-nationwide-campaign-to-reject-tobacco-industries-being-part-of-csr-activities/15892141.shtml The news about the demonstration was published in the following print media 08 Dec...
06 March, 2014 – Classmate Spellbee Competitions http://www.thenewsminute.com/stories/Tamil%20Nadu%20says%20no%20to%20Spell%20Bee#.U2m8u4GSzfI 07 March, 2014 – Ban on the Competition http://www.merinews.com/article/tamil-nadu-bans-educational-institutions-from-participating-classmate-spell-bee-contest/15895606.shtml 12 March, 2014 – Chennai girl wins the competition http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Chennai-girl-wins-Spell-Bee-2014/articleshow/31863662.cms 15 March, 2014 – News about competition...