

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu

Chief Minister’s Office

Secretariat, Chennai 600 009


Sub: Requesting for the permanent ban on Chewable, Gutka, Pan masala and other related Tobacco products- Reg.

Respected Sir,

We, the concerned citizens of Tamil Nadu, are writing to request that the Tamil Nadu Government take immediate and decisive action to impose a permanent ban on Gutka, Pan Masala, and other chewing tobacco products in the state. Despite existing laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products, these harmful substances are still being sold illegally in many areas, contributing to a growing public health crisis. The illegal availability of Gutka and other chewing tobacco products poses a serious threat to the well-being of the population, especially children and young people, who are particularly vulnerable to the addictive and harmful effects of these substances. In addition, Tobacco is the silent gateway to addiction and destruction. It often serves as a doorway to other harmful drugs and is a catalyst for violence and unrest in society.

The widespread use of Gutka and similar products has led to a significant increase in cases of oral cancers, gum diseases, and other life-threatening health conditions. Children, in particular, are becoming victims of this menace, either through the movies, Parents or due to peer pressure. It is alarming that despite the severe health risks associated with these products, they continue to be accessible in many parts of the state, undermining public health efforts and contributing to an avoidable burden on the healthcare system.

Currently, gutka, pan masala, and other chewing tobacco products are under the purview of the Food Safety Department. However, the department can only impose a yearly ban, which must be renewed annually. This temporary measure is insufficient to address the growing problem. We urge the Tamil Nadu Government to enforce stricter laws and regulations to curb the illegal sale and distribution of Gutka and other chewing tobacco products. A permanent and comprehensive ban under the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act or the Tamil Nadu Spitting and Smoking Act, 2002, is urgently needed to protect the health of our citizens.

The time to act is now. By imposing a permanent ban on these dangerous products, Tamil Nadu can take a significant step toward ensuring the health and safety of its people, especially future generations.

Yours Sincerely,


#தமிழ்நாட்டில்குட்காவைநிரந்தரமாகதடை செய்


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